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Get 50+ free guided projects from Coursera that cover anything from basic business skills to machine learning for beginners, software engineering, and more.

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Get 50+ free guided projects from Coursera that cover anything from basic business skills to machine learning for beginners, software engineering, and more.

After successfully completing these projects, you can also obtain a Free Certificate.

Through an interactive experience supervised by a subject matter expert, you may learn a job-relevant skill that you can use today in under 2 hours by taking these Coursera free guided projects. Everything you need is right in your browser, so you can finish your project with confidence thanks to step-by-step instructions.

Coursera Free Guided Projects

1. Machine Learning Pipelines with Azure ML Studio

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Pre-process data using appropriate modules
  • Train and evaluate a boosted decision tree model on Azure ML Studio
  • Create scoring and predictive experiments
  • Deploy the trained model as an Azure web service
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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2. Use SurveyMonkey to Create a Survey and Analyze Results

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create a SurveyMonkey account and build surveys.
  • Publish a survey and gather feedback.
  • Analyze survey results.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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3. Semantic Segmentation with Amazon Sagemaker

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Prepare data for Sagemaker Semantic Segmentation.
  • Train a model using Sagemaker.
  • Deploy a trained model using Sagemaker.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Squarespace

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Optimize for search using Squarespace site-level tools and on-page SEO best practices
  • Optimize your Squarespace site for local search
  • Optimize your Squarespace blog
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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5. Use Canva to Create Desktop and Mobile-friendly Web Pages

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Use Features in Canva
  • Create Desktop and Mobile-friendly webpages
  • Prepare these websites for publishing with Canva URL or URL shorteners
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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6. Building a Business Presence With Facebook Marketing

Duration: 1.5 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Set up a Facebook Business Page and learn to post content
  • Promote successful posts to effectively grow your audience and promote your business
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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7. AWS S3 Basics

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create your First S3 Bucket and Upload Content to Bucket and Manage their Access
  • Enable S3 Encryption, S3 Versioning and Lifecycle management rules on S3 Bucket
  • Create Static Website using AWS S3
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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8. Introduction to Basic Game Development using Scratch

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Learn to use features in Scratch
  • Design a basic game using block based code
  • Learn how to create algorithms using block based code
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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9. AWS Cloudfront: Serve content from multiple S3 buckets

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create an AWS S3 bucket
  • Create an AWS Cloudfront distribution
  • Setup error pages & region-wise access restrictions.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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10. Create a Project Charter in Google Sheets

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • We will be learning how to create a scheduling system to improve the performance and efficiency in the workplace.
  • You will learn the workflow management for defining and improving a schedule system. 
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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11. Develop a Company Website with Wix

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create an account an a website design.
  • Design and edit your content, media, and layout.
  • Manage your blog, events, and menu items.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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12. Build a Full Website using WordPress

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create a new website for development in WordPress.
  • Edit webpage content, links, and images.
  • Add and organize widgets to a webpage.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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13. Compose and Program Music in Python using Earsketch

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Learn to use features in Earsketch.
  • Create a basic composition using Python.
  • Learn how to create functions and variables with Python.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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14. Google Ads for Beginners

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create a Google Ads account and set up first campaign structure
  • Create ad groups, do keyword research, set up audience targeting, and write ads
  • Learn how to use the tools and settings available to optimize campaigns and make them profitable  
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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15. Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create a Resume
  • Create a Cover Letter
  • Print or Save Document to File
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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16. Build Training Website using Google Sites

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Use Features in Google Sites to build a training website.
  • Create Responsive Training Website using Google Sites.
  • Prepare this website for preview, share and publish.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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17. Create a Website Using WordPress : Free Hosting & Sub-domain

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Learn to create a website in WordPress
  • Learn to host and get a subdomain for your website
  • Learn to work with themes , plugins, and permalinks of WordPress
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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18. Increase SEO Traffic with WordPress

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Update website for search engine optimization.
  • Edit webpage content, links, and images.
  • Edit headings, permalinks, and visibility.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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19. Create a Profile and Network on LinkedIn

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Build a profile that sends a professional message with your banner and your personalized URL code as well as knowing how to share it.
  • Expand your LinkedIn network by making connection requests professionally.
  • Learn how to follow people, pages, groups and hashtags to improve your news feed.
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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20. Introduction to Google Docs

Duration: 2 hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create a Header and Footer in a Google Doc
  • Format text and Add Sub headers to a Document
  • Create a Table and Graphs in a Google Doc
  • Showcase this hands-on experience in an interview

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