WhatsApp Out-Of-Bounds read-write vulnerability: How it could have led to sensitive data leakage

The WhatsApp Out-Of-Bounds read-write vulnerability, which was patched in February, may allow a hacker to read sensitive data from the app's memory via a maliciously created image.

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The WhatsApp picture filter function had a security weakness that might have allowed hackers to access sensitive information. Check Point Research, a security research organization, uncovered a severe security flaw (CPR). According to the research firm, the bug in WhatsApp for Android’s image filter function might be exploited if a user opened a maliciously created image file.

What is the WhatsApp Out-Of-Bounds read-write vulnerability, and how has it led to sensitive data leakage?

Check Point Research discovered the WhatsApp Out-Of-Bounds read-write vulnerability in November of last year. When the cross-messaging app’s image filter function was used with some specially-designed GIF files, the vulnerability, which was described as a memory corruption issue, led it to crash.

The researchers at the cybersecurity firm pointed out that exploiting the vulnerability would have needed “complex steps and substantial human engagement.” The Facebook-owned corporation, on the other hand, denied that the vulnerability had ever been exploited.

The security weakness was discovered “when a user opened an attachment containing a maliciously created picture file, then attempted to apply a filter, and subsequently transmitted the image with the filter applied back to the attacker,” according to CPR.

While the problem was discovered last year, WhatsApp took its time to remedy it, and in February, it released version, which included two new checks on the source and filter pictures to limit memory access.

“As soon as we uncovered the security flaw, we alerted WhatsApp, who was fast to respond and collaborate in developing a fix. “As a consequence of our combined efforts, WhatsApp is now safer for users all over the world,” said Oded Vanunu, Check Point’s Head of Products Vulnerabilities Research.

WhatsApp, no doubt, recognized the problem, issued a security patch, and identified the vulnerability as CVE-2020-1910 on its security advisory webpage.

“There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that end-to-end encryption is still working as intended and that people’s messages are safe and secure. This report requires numerous actions that a user would have to complete, and we have no reason to assume that people were harmed as a result of this defect. In response to Check Point Research, WhatsApp stated, “Even the most complex scenarios researchers find can assist strengthen security for users.”

The cross-messaging platform has recommended users to maintain their apps and operating systems up to date, download updates as they become available, and report any suspicious activity they encounter while using WhatsApp.

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